
In this weeks session of ‘Rapid Fire Questions” our good friend Pablo G. Villazan shares with us his Q&A with a League favorite of course, New York based artist Gosha Levochkin. Gosha’s palette creates and shares his crazy-colorful signature characters which is inspired by his youth and experiences in life.

- The League

So, Ready! Set! Gooooooo!

Who is Gosha Levochkin?

Sensitive New Age hippie friend.

Did you always want to be an artist?


Where does your inspiration come from?

Enjoying the process. Loving the mistakes. Sitting still.

Which artists have the greatest influence on your work?

I can’t really say one or two. I think it’s everyone I know. Friends and family

What is your process to create your work?

I make a lot of excuses until I run out of excuses and then I start working.

Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?

Russian tea. Not that it’s better than other teas. I just like the taste. Music is important. Berlin deep house.

What is the meaning behind your artwork?

I use earth’s energy to help me understand. What she wants me to say.

Imagine that your paintings could talk, what would they say about you? 

Your so stiff loosen up we’re not in Russia anymore........wait or are we 🧐

What advice would you give to your younger self?

See as much as ART as you can.

Do you find the social channel’s influence Positive or Negative?

Always positive. There is a story behind something negative and it’s our job as a collective to help. Adding more negativity creates more negativity.

Describe in 3 words how social channels affect you as an artist.

Inspired, thoughtful, provoking.

What is your dream project?

This is the dream. And the project is to keep making more work that makes me dream of projects.