Lovefool - Baldur Helgason

Looks like the good folks in Chi-Town will be having something to look forward to tonight. Chicago based artist Baldur Helgason will be opening his new show “Lovefool” at NYCH Gallery starting at 7pm. Baldur Helgason is an Icelandic visual artist who lives and works in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood. He graduated from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2008 and from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco in 2011. This is definitely a show you wouldn’t wan’t to miss seeing. We at the League are very impressed on how his works continue to evolve and improving. Needless to say he has amazing talent.

Congrats on your new show Baldur! - The League

Check out his new incredible interview with Sasha Bogojev at Juxtapoz.

- JM

Instagram - @Jayawesum @Leagueoto