New Print By Brusk - Bullet In Your Mouth

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French artist Brusk who is best known for his creative dripping style works and publishing house Print Them All just released their 1st new collaborative print called “Bullet In Your Mouth”

Link -

Print Details -

Ed - 99

Size - 38.58 in. x 29.92 in.

BFK Rives 300 g. / Lithograph 9 colors printed with Marinoni lithographic press, hand cut.

Signed, numbered and stamped by Print Them All.

Price :

£570 (≈ €683, includes £35 of VAT, applies to EU countries)
£535 (≈ €641, exclusive of VAT, applies to countries outside the EU)

- JM

Instagram - @Jayawesum @Leagueoto