
Today at noon, artist Daniel Arsham will be releasing his new limited edition titled “Bronze Eroded Jupiter” via his wensite.

In order to purchase the Edition, an email address will be announced at www.danielarsham.com/shop at 12pm ET.

You will have to send your Paypal email and preferred shipping address to this email. The portal will be open for one hour. Once they receive your details, you will be sent an invoice which you will have 15 minutes to fulfill. The limited Edition will be sold to the first 99 people to successfully submit payment.

You must have a Paypal account sent up to receive an invoice. You can pay on Paypal with a credit card, debit card, or bank account number.

When they send you an invoice, you will see it on your Paypal homepage on the left side that says "Needs Attention: Invoices to Pay"

Good luck folks !

- JM

Instagram - @Jayawesum @Leagueoto